New Interchange Student’s book 1b New Interchange Students book 1b

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New Interchange Student’s book 1b * NEW INTERCHANGE: One of the world's most successful English courses. * The underlying philosophy of the course is that language is best learned when used for meaningful communication. * Each unit offers real-world information of interest. * Two conversations in every unit present grammar, functions, and expressions. Each is followed by listening or discussion tasks. * Pronunciation practice is integrated into grammar and fluency exercises. Vocabulary-building exercises are accompanied by fluency activities and offer a variety of approaches to vocabulary development.through improvisations around the business themes. • Autor: Richards, Jack • Editora: Cambridge University • Disciplina: Inglês • Adicional: Student’s Book • Formato: Impresso • Ano: 1997 • Formato: LIVRO • Encadernação: Brochura • Idioma: Inglês Americano • Páginas: 105 • EAN: 9780521628792
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