American Headway 1B - Student Book American Headway 1B - Student Book

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American Headway - It is a multilevel series for adults and young adults who want to use American English both accurately and fluently. Grammar and vocabulary are taught and explained thoroughly, and all four language skills are developed systematically. It combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to make the learning of English stimulating, motivating, and effective.idance. • Autor: Liz and John Soars • Editora: Oxford • Disciplina: Inglês • Adicional: CD • Formato: Impresso • Ano: 2001 • Formato: LIVRO • Encadernação: BROCHURA • Idioma: Inglês Americano • Páginas: 153 • EAN: 9780194379274 • Tamanho: 28 x 22 x 1 cm • Peso: 265 gr
  • 1x American Headway 1B - Student Book

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